Did You Know Post It Note

Apparently, asking the question "Why?" pokes at the defensive reflex in almost people. I wonder why… Oh.

How to apply Post-it Notes, Office 1

The first week of Codaisseur Blueprint Academy passed by as speedily as information technology came.

All in the space of that first calendar week, my peers and I were taken through an entire design process from conception to execution.

And that week was filled with Post-it notes and Whiteboard Markers…

We'll get to that, but first, allow me answer you with an interesting story.

3M (formerly the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Visitor) are credited (dorsum in 1925) for the cosmos of household products such equally "Masking Record" and cellophane "Scotch Tape"! Things I use damn near every single day.

In 1968, A human named Dr. Spencer Silverish, a Senior Pharmacist at 3M's Key Enquiry Labs, attempted to revolutionize the manufacture by developing a super-stiff adhesive.

He failed. Totally. But that's besides the betoken.

Instead, he accidentally created the designer's dream. A "low-tack," reusable, pressure-sensitive adhesive.

It wasn't until 1974 that a colleague of Silver's, Art Fry, bootlegged the idea and devised a use for it.

That utilize would eventually evolve into the common household Post-It Note nosotros all know and dear.

Photo by January Piatkowski on Unsplash

Distressing trees, I swear you didn't die in vain

The Design Sprint v2.0 process we were beingness initiated in was to blame for our heavy usage of Post-it Notes this week.

From Research to Usability Testing in 4 days. Straight into the deep cease.

And so immediately, I've got something to confess:

The 4-24-hour interval process really took us five. We spent 3 quarters of our outset day (from here-on called Day 0) soaking in everything Google could offering u.s.a. on the struggle we were tasked to solve.

The first step is Inquiry, and everything else builds on top of that.

Our true Day i came after gathering, visualizing and presenting that research. To expand our knowledge exterior of the all-knowingness of Google, our task became to actually talk to real humans.

But non only anyone, humans who knew vastly more nearly the subject than us: Experts.

Experts may know far more than y'all and I, but people who are actually experiencing the struggle you lot're trying to solve know the well-nigh. And then listen to them likewise.

That morning, we prepared our questions while looking into the backgrounds of the Experts we'd invited.

The expert interviews totaled at merely over i.5 hours in conference calls.

But for me, the almost amazing part of those hours was what nosotros'd been told to think almost beforehand.

As nosotros asked our questions, at that place was ane question bubbling under the surface. We'd been told to keep information technology in mind:

How Might We … (do something) ?

What was amazing is that it wasn't fifty-fifty an respond to the question we were told to keep in mind. It was the question itself.

Each of us, armed with our Bright Yellow Postal service-it Notes and a single Thick Black Marker, attacked this question:

  • How Might Nosotros… help each other to communicate better?
  • How Might We… change our perspective on stressful situations?
  • How Might We… normalize talking near emotional discomfort in the workplace?

and many, many more.

These were prompts. Designed to encourage idea and get us thinking about solutions- not yet, but before long, solving them.

Every Yellow Post-information technology Note was notwithstanding another opportunity to solve a struggle.

After the interviews, nosotros clustered them into groups. This divers our opportunities visually, in a broader sense.

(Curious about the exact details of the project? I'll link back to the case study here once it's completed!).

For this exercise, Post-Its proved to exist a genuinely wonderful medium. A medium that immune Portability and Flexibility. But most chiefly, when paired with our Thick Black Marker, information technology inspired these iii truths:

  • Chapters

No one feels confronted by a Postal service-It Note. It feels so like shooting fish in a barrel, that there's no Blank Page Syndrome. Everyone can fill i.

  • Constraint

Limited size, limited infinite and a thick black mark. All of these things hateful we accept to choose our words well- and sparingly.

  • (Non-)Commitment

Express space means you must commit to what you've put on the Post-It.

Merely the fact that information technology's a Post-It means it took y'all well-nigh xxx seconds to fill it, so you could only as well scrap it and fill up another.

Afterwards building this wall of opportunities, our next step was to take what we've learned and requite ourselves a direction.

We'd spent barely a solar day and a one-half learning all we could most the subject past this indicate, but I couldn't terminate myself from thinking near it.

All the time.

All of the questions, previous conversations and statistics I'd read online would run through my listen while I took a shower in the morn.

So now it was time to give the inventiveness and data floating in limbo… some direction.

To know where to focus, we need to figure out where we're going. This is where the whiteboard comes in. The whiteboard… and more than questions.

More on this beautiful thing next calendar week… 😉

Thank you so much for reading!

Run into Function 2 Here !

I'm Eli Hughes, an Illustrator and UX Designer living in Amsterdam.

I beloved stories and I love people. I spend a bunch of my time thinking about what people do and why people do information technology. Follow me to hear about the next article on my experience in the Codaisseur Design Academy Side by side Mon.


Source: https://uxplanet.org/how-to-use-post-it-notes-part-1-a081385a7088

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